Tuesday, 24 June 2008

I feel like poop physically...

ok, so it really does happen on Holiday Club... I'm physically mechanically impaired - I'm in need of a back treatment and prolly some vertebra to be popped back into place...

eish - found bug in dB, now going off to bed.

*crash sound - as projectile hits air mattress*

Saturday, 21 June 2008

Today I thought...

I got to church early and started on closing down registrations and capturing data from the web registrations.
Took me less than an hour. Then I was told that I have to import the captured data into the sql database. I misunderstood Andrew and he misunderstood me...I thought he would import it. Time disappeared. i wanna say litterally in caps and bold, but i think i cant spell the word.

2pm came around - I had missed training for crafts and the drama. All I wanted to do was collect pre-registration data and hand it over to Andrew and walk away.
Today I wanted to make my camera prop -- hahahahahaaa...

I've gotta go to bed now to wake up early to get to the church before the sun rises so i have a time to make the prop..

I'll rant another time...

Thursday, 19 June 2008

How a great day can end in sadness, but...

Wow, today was guud!!
I woke up today thinking the world was going to end and I was going to be eaten alive from being late for work...

On arrival at church, my spirits were lifted when I saw two others coming in late. After devotions chaos broke out at my table - pre-registration papers, files, highlighters, bags, etc.

What made my day good was the fact that I fasted for Holiday Club today! God kept me working hard getting the pre-registered database sorted. Mis-information, weird entries, etc forced me to call parents. When the father was the first parent name given, I spoke to the mother instead - I felt prompted that it was mothers and not fathers to contact!!

I decided to file things as I went about processing forms: preregistered -corrections; -fax/hand-in; -web.
I also made a file for new and processed registrations. erm, this is paper I'm talking about!?!

Duplicate child registrations - single registrations with a multitude of extra registrations..tough on the eyes;
- single registrations with a follow-up email..so sweet for the fingers.

The server needs a network cable, but instead of going to get one I wait for directions via sms for another task while sifting through an excel sheet. my lunch looked too good to be edible, so i handed it to someone else to keep. food wasnt an issue, even when asked if i were hungry. Registration stats kept rising. I was busy processing the 142 registrations that had come through so far. The stat online is 163. Tomorrow is D-day for registrations. I expect processing 100 new pre-registrations.
Some people may be wondering why I'm doing this - pre-registration is as far as I go with registration. On Monday, I'm with Drama, Crafts and hmmm...yes, this is tough, but I'm the registration guru in some weird way. So... that just means that I'm on standby for registration bugs/issues. I just wanna be with the children - perhaps Fred will join me each day during the tea breaks. Wacky camera guy with talking frog ventriloquist style!!!

I got a call and before I saw who it was, I realised that I forgot to tell anyone that I was not coming home till late.. I spoke to my Mom and asked her to keep supper for me.......

I have a super code for the photocopier - the guy came today and showed me more of the machine today!
Then Drama practice started without me - but when i came they only started stage work T minus 100 seconds before I got there.
that ended at 5 i think, EVERYBODY went home and i stayed - why go home to come back if i'm not gonna eat anything?? waste of good petrol...

I read the photocopier manual, tried to setup an external mail server for it and then realised i needed to have a DNS server...
7 o clock. I spoke to Andrew and got him all confused, then left him in the cold.

u believed that??

silly you...

Drama practice tonight was brilliant - I found my long lost voice!!!!!
I can be loud, VERY loud without shouting!

All was happy till I got into my car to drive home.
I was hungry and listening to good rave or whatever it is that other people call it..
I drove up the hill and missed the turnoff..almost missed the next turn off, but speed (not quick) THINKING tricked me into going through after the light went red. I broke a rule. I paid with my feelings. I felt awful. I hooted at myself for driving through a just-turned-red robot that i should have stopped at.
Turning to God I realised why - lack of nutrition causes brain to be an idiot.

God reminded me of the happy things of today - too glad that I serve God.
without God, I would have gone to bed all emo..though now I'm going to bed happy and glad!!!!!

Lastly, Alice is the norm. Barney killed it with his flavor of Sally. South Africa rocked the world with happy frozen water, GLAD-ice?!?
I searched Alice and got a song. I searched Sally and got Barney. I searched multiple spellings of Gladys and got Camel branded cigarettes!

So there you have it: Alice had the humps, Sally had the bumps and Gladys had a pack-a-day.....

Wednesday, 18 June 2008


if i spelt it wrong, sorry...

my last blog was a bit too negative for words, so i edited it - my usual defence fell asleep and i do admit, i feel stupid for that. Apologies to those i offended.

ps. i'm offending other people too by posting this - i get errors each time i push the publish button...
pps. lol, i wonder if it will appear on facebook again..whatever

Monday, 16 June 2008

This is a God thing, not me...

This is really mixed up, so read from line 13 and then line 1 and then line 8 and then line 2 - note last thhree lines esp...

Facebook can be the greatest invention since tripod - it makes me depressed, no matter what i read.
Boo hoo - no, i'm not making a mistake. Facebook is the same even without silly applications.
Sure, I have met up on facebook with old school friends - you think its easier talking to people on a social network?
Facebook, facebook, facebook, etc. Not the same as meeting in person...

Back in the day, before I knew about how God can do anything, I was an emo geek. I spent hours in front of a pc connected to the internet. The days of dialup - from 7pm to 7am and weekends at R7 a net connection call. I abused the net. I would sit on IRC networks, program using a multitude of languages, goto church via the radio. It may seem the great good life, but if you could read between the lines then you would know the sorry ass I became. My friend or two, Christopher and Deon who both live(d) down the road from me, were the only people I knew as people. Guys at school were just humans walking around earth. Deon saw the gaps and tried to fill them by introducing me to his friends, getting drunk and going to clubs - thanks for trying, but that just screwed my life even more. Christopher - I think this guy is an angel, sent by God to ground me when ever I started flying... {incomplete thought}

I remember taking a few fasts of computers --- what a waste of time. sure, i would not use the net for a while, but when i got back, i went straight back to my old ways. For those that know of IRC.. NO, it is still a burden to me - something i cant let go of. something I really miss like Richard, Kevin, Craig and Mark - they kept me from going back to a really bad network. channel meets. sandton city. oh that old life looks so welcoming and juicy. being made negative on the net makes me wonder what my life would have been if I knew what i knew back in the day and told the people more about me. rejection and maybe a bit more.

This is all mixed up. I wish I could find my old life-blogs. I think i had 6 or 7 chapters. ahh, memories of old. thanks Justin, I enjoy life more because of what you taught me - wish we could be friends again...miss your unique friendship. Yeah, I changed it - I was in a negative mood and said some things I did not really mean.

It's not because of God - I went from aweful to good with God, without God i went from bad to worse. God makes me better.

i'm sick of negative thoughts exploding when I'm having fun and enjoying the web under my board as I surf around...

For me the internet is the biggest trap of them all. http, ftp, irc, etc. all make my life a depression state.

email and eastside website, only the essentials. I need some solitude from all this. If its like food and i really REALLY need it, then ... perhaps too..!

I need to get away from the paperless society. I cant go on being broken up like this...
say what you will about facebook and the internet, but its not for me.

this is not a fast. this is a far greater thing. this is a God thing

Sunday, 8 June 2008


A crash course in live sound...

So I have been observing for a few weeks (years) on how they do sound and now tonight was my turn at sitting behind the desk!
It was as if EVERYTHING that I had learnt left my mind and I was left in a chaotic room filled with chaos. I was ready to run home..

I learned you gotta be awake when you do this and I'm more technical than end-user, so I'll understand the circuits behind it, but it would take time to get by passed the knobs and buttons. Does it pay to be so hard on oneself? Cant say I know the answer to that one, but I learnt that I'm very quick to do things and then slow on the practical things.
My brain is faster than my physical!?!

I must start journalling - maybe that will help me...
As the sound guy, you have control over the band in a big way.. 'I want more bass and give drums more of keys..and, and, and...'
shoosh, one thing at a time and i'm still doing the mix from the start -- if you dont want a mess...SHUTUP!

Of course I'm not the type of person to do that, but with this job, I have to become mean -- IRC in a different context?!

I'm not a computer and my pipeline is easily corrupted!

I finally understand the new registration idea from this morning! It took Andrew lots of double-takes, but he finally got through to me!!
and then people left church early for a change! I got home at 20:33 and I was on lock-up..!!?!!

I hear and feel a zzz coming on.
Thanks for reading!