Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Tuesday 28 July 2009

Today I learnt how not to go about an unexpected meeting..

Yes, I had an unexpected meeting with a client, who I thought was
after some answers about technical related things.
After explaining in plain English why mail and a suspended
domain.co.za would not work... I was then told about things that were
not done ( I explained I wasnt employed back then ) and yada yada yada

To cut a long story short, I have learnt to not offer to call the
manager, but to insist upon calling a manager when I have no idea
what's going on and both party's time is being wasted. Most
importantly, close the door... and a few other things!

I finished the linux billing, queried a domain transfer that had no
fax authorizing the transfer, checked information on the sales system,
discovered that I am the one to edit the wiki, forgot to ask Ryan et
al some questions, learnt about dynamic zone files, etc.

The funny part?
I found out that I am not allowed to drink on the job, thanks to a
500ml Mountain Dew that looked like a bottle of beer!!


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