Thursday, 18 September 2008

oh so slow...

i know exactly what i've done to my box - i've made it a server, had
it on for the past week.. something that this machine was not bought
for. this is a pleb pc - only good for a word processor. i have always
wanted to learn the art of hosting, so now is the perfect time. i had
a ddns as, but now i changed that domain to
something different - i dont want others to know it. my game, my

if i want a faster pc, i'll shutdown the server part and switch off
for an hour to let the poor cpu cool down. if this box was never meant
to be a server, i'll make it one even if its as slow as a frozen

i'm a fortified geek, and i'm not afraid of others who may want to
hack me - i use backups!!

right, for those of you who know me a little, i dont know what i'm
talking about, but i'll soon know exactly what i'll talk about..

you are lost?

take the petrol attendant who served up R300 of petrol when i asked
for R203 - i didnt have a clue either, but thanks Mom for giving me a
petro card in such emergencies!!

Bruce Collins is a funny guy - dot dot dot

anyone have throat spray before i head down to bed?
cant wait for Uitenhagen - the train trip will be the other highlight
of the #2 here i come!!!

oh dear - i forgot to write my IGNITE sponsors letters again..guess
what i'll be doing tomorrow?
= no, i wont torment Jean
= nor will i poke Simon
= or stare at Anthony
= or blame Bruce
= or ...*** some text missing ***

Friday, 12 September 2008

I found R475

I found my last love, my R475 in my Mother's car in a secret location,
so secret that i had to dream about it...

Parents should be arriving soon..cant wait!!

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

I think I just lost R475

I remember having it in my hand, i think. Now its gone. Its not in the
house and its not in my car.
I bought a battery for it today - cost me more than i wanted to pay.
If only i knew where it was...